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教授,博士生导师,德国慕尼黑工大博士、博后、客座教授,中组部“高水平海外人才”,3308维多利亚优惠大厅“杰出中青年学者”,济南市创新领军人才;IET Fellow,IEEE Senior Member,Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.(18-21),Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Power Electron.(21-now),电源协会变频电源与电力传动专委会、青工委、交通电气化专委会、电工理论与新技术、电源学会青年工作委员会等(常务)委员,IEEE电力电子与电力传动系统模型预测控制大会程序委员会主席(2019)大会主席(2021)


2016-2017:德国慕尼黑工业大学,Research Fellow、Group Leader









[1] Z. Zhang, H. Xu, M. Xue, Z. Chen, T. Sun, R. Kennel, C. Hackl, "Predictive Control With Novel Virtual-Flux Estimation for Back-to-Back Power Converters", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015.

[2] Z. Zhang, F. Wang, T. Sun, J. Rodríguez and R. Kennel, "FPGA-Based Experimental Investigation of a Quasi-Centralized Model Predictive Control for Back-to-Back Converters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016

[3] Z. Zhang, C. Hackl, R. Kennel, “Computationally Efficient DMPC for Three-level NPC Back-to-Back Converters in Wind Turbine Systems with PMSG”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016.

[4] Z. Zhang, H. Fang, F. Gao, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Multiple Vector Model Predictive Power Control for Grid-Tied Wind Turbine System with Enhanced Steady State Control Performances”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017.

[5] Z. Zhang, F. Wang, J. Wang, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Nonlinear Direct Control for Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems: Experimental Assessment with FPGA”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017.

[6] Z. Zhang, Z Li, M. Kazmierkowski, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Robust Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems with Revised Predictions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018.

[7] Z. Zhang, O. Babayomi, T. Dragicevic, R. Heydari, C. Garcia, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Advances and Opportunities in the Model Predictive Control of Microgrids: Part I—Primary Layer”,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021.

[8] Y. Li, Z. Zhang, T. Dragičević, J. Rodriguez, “A Unified Distributed Cooperative Control of DC Microgrids Using Consensus Protocol”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021.

[9] O. Babayomi, Z. Zhang, T. Dragicevic, R. Heydari, C. Garcia, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Advances and Opportunities in the Model Predictive Control of Microgrids: Part II—Secondary and Tertiary Layers”,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021.

[10] C. Ma, H. Li, X. Yao, Z. Zhang, F. De Belie, “An Improved Model-Free Predictive Current Control with Advanced Current Gradient Updating Mechanism”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.

[11] Y. Li, Z. Zhang, C. Hu, M. Abdelrahem, R. Kennel, J. Rodriguez, “A Full State-Variable Direct Predictive Control for Islanded Microgrids with Parallel Converters”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021.


[1] 大功率新能源变流器与电驱系统预测控制,中组部“高水平海外人才”项目,19-23,主持。

[2] 大功率风电变流器级联结构高效模型预测控制,国家自然科学基金面上项目20-23,主持。

[3] 3308维多利亚优惠大厅“齐鲁青年学者”建设项目,校内人才计划,17-22,主持。

[4] 大功率海上直驱永磁同步风电变流器与控制关键技术,山东省重大科技创新工程,19-21,主持

[5] 永磁同步风力发电三电平功率变流器及其预测控制策略研究,山东省自然科学基金,19-21,主持。

[6] 永磁同步电机四象限驱动系统高可靠模型预测控制,江苏省自然科学基金,19-21,主持。

[7] 新能源并网变流器集群及智能控制关键理论与技术,深圳市基础研究面上项目,21-23,主持。

[8] “智慧能源与大功率能量变换”联合中心,山大国际合作基金,20-24主持。

[9] 高压并网SVG及储能PCS性能提升关键技术开发,企业委托,21-24,主持。

[10] 石油开采远距离变频驱动技术研究,企业委托,20-21,主研。


zbz@sdu.edu.cnzhenbin.zhang@tum.de0531-8839 2002





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