2011-2017,德国 埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学博士
[1] S. Zhou, H. Li, Z. Li, et al., “A Robust Encoderless Control for PMSM Drives: A Revised Hybrid Active Flux Based Technique”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023
[2] O. Babayomi, Z. Zhang, Z. Li, et al., “Robust Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Converters: Sensor Noise Suppression with Parallel-Cascade Extended State Observer”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023
[3] M. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. Li, et al., “A Unified Open-Circuit-Fault Diagnosis Method for Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Power Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023.
[4] Y. Li, H. He, Z. Li and Z. Zhang, “Predictive Zero-Sequence Current Control of Multiple Paralleled Power Converters”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.
[5] Y. Sun, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Li and Z. Li (通信作者), "A Time-Domain Virtual-Flux Based Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converters for Offshore Wind Energy Integration", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2021.
[6] Y. Sun, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Li and J. Rodriguez, “Robust Predictive Control of Grid-Tied Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC Systems with Virtual-Flux Based Online Inductance Estimation” , IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021.
[7] Z. Dong, Z. Li, X. L. Li, C. K. Tse, Z. Zhang, “Single-Inductor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Converter with Common Ground, High Scalability and No Cross Regulation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021
[8] Z. Li (通信作者), J. Will, D. Yang, et. al., “Oxygen precipitation in Ge-doped Czochralski-silicon at 900゜C investigated by in situ high energy x-ray diffraction”, AIP Advances, 2020.
[9] Z. Zhang, Z Li, M. Kazmierkowski, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Robust Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems with Revised Predictions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018.
[9] Z. Zhang, Z Li, M. Kazmierkowski, J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, “Robust Predictive Control of Three-Level NPC Back-to-Back Power Converter PMSG Wind Turbine Systems with Revised Predictions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018.
[10] Z. Li (通信作者), J. Will, D. Yang, et. al., “Sample thickness effect of thermal vibration correction within X-ray dynamical theory for germanium-doped silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017.
[11] Z. Li (通信作者), J. Will, P. Dong, D. Yang, “Thermal history effect on the nucleation of oxygen precipitation in germanium doped Cz-silicon studied by high energy X-ray diffraction”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2017.
[12] Z. Li, H. Yu, H. Zhang, and J. Wang, “Growth and characterization of large SrMoO4 crystals”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011.
[13] H. Yu, Z. Li, A. J. Lee, J. Li, H. Zhang, J. Wang, H. M. Pask, J. A. Piper, and M. Jiang, “A continuous-wave SrMoO4 Raman laser”, Optics Letters, 2010.
[14] C. Zhang, Z. Li and R. I. Boughton, “Crystal growth and thermal properties of single crystal monoclinic NdCOB (NdCa4O (BO3)3)”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011.
[1] 海上风电变流系统高品质故障辨识与穿越策略研究,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,23-26,主持。
[2] 波浪能发电用背靠背变流器高可靠预测控制,国家自然科学基金-青年项目,21-23,主持。
[3] 掺锗单晶硅中氧沉淀形成机理的原位研究与调控,国家自然科学基金-应急管理项目,18-19,主持。
[4] 大功率低成本海上风电高效能量传变理论与控制技术,国家科技部-国家重点研发计划,23-27,课题二负责人。
[5] 功率半导体材料中氧沉淀的形成与调控,国家博管会-引进项目,18-20,主持。
[6] 基于SiC功率器件的高可靠四象限变流器,山东省自然科学基金-面上项目,20-23,主持。
[7] 新能源发电宽禁带变流器及高可靠性控制研究,安徽大学开放课题,21-23,主持。
[8] 10兆瓦级海上风电系统及其先进控制,济南市高校20条,22-24,课题三负责人。
[9] 掺锗功率半导体中氧沉淀的形成机理与调控,山东师范大学科技培育基金,18-20,主持。
[10] 三相宽频大功率四象限电源性能提升技术咨询,企业委托,21-22,主持。
[11] 新能源与储能运行控制国家重点实验室2021年度实验室开放基金项目,企业委托,21-22,主持。
[12] 远距离变频驱动技术研究,企业委托,19-21,核心参与。
[13] 并网变流器系统控制方法及关键技术研究,企业委托,20-22,核心参与。
[14] 大规模风电机组集群分布式协同控制,企业委托,21-22,核心参与。